
early North American canoe factory 'display samples' 1870-1930. Exhibited @ CDOCA.
early North American canoe factory 'display samples' 1870-1930. Exhibited @ CDOCA.
For over 30 years, I have collected model canoes and kayaks - everything from rare Indigenous pieces around the World to antique, early North American factory samples. My purpose, here, is to share information, promote interest in this hobby and assist those who wish to know more.
Here you can find many photos of items I have gathered, share in my collecting adventures and learn about books, museums, canoe heritage groups which will add to your knowledge and hopefully provide deeper insight into these marvelous treasures.
I have also recently written and published a book - "Little things that matter" - which describes in detail my 33-year collecting journey putting together one of the finest gatherings of early factory 'display sample' (aka 'salesman's sample') canoes. The book expands greatly upon data found on this site. It is available by contacting me for an autographed and personalized copy, or through the Canadian or Wisconsin canoe museums, and through Amazon. CAD$39.95 or US$32.95 plus shipping/packaging/tax. An ebook version is also now available from Amazon Kindle at CAD$19.95 or US$ 16.95. Book is 142 pages with 300 color photos and 38,000 words of highly informative text. Well-reviewed by Maine Antique Digest and Canadian Antique & Vintage magazine; much-enjoyed by hundreds of readers to date. The only resource book of its kind; essential for collectors wishing authentic info.
Did you know there are museums dedicated to canoes and kayaks? Plan a visit to the Canadian Canoe Museum in Peterborough, ON,
www.canoemuseum.ca where you can see the World's largest collection of paddled watercraft; or to Spooner, WI, and the Canoe Heritage Museum www.wisconsincanoeheritagemuseum.org . I support both and encourage you to do so, as well. On the west coast, check out Harvey Golden's museum of canoes and kayaks in Portland, OR. You'll be delighted you did.
If you love older canoes, join us in the Wooden Canoe Heritage Association www.wcha.org and check out 'Fans of WCHA' www.facebook.com/groups/219179608982/ . If you're into outdoor collectibles - vintage hunting decoys, antique fishing lures, powder tins - try clubs like Midwest Decoy Collectors Assoc. www.nadecoycollectors.org and Canadian Decoy & Outdoor Collectibles Association www.canadiandecoy.com
Ask away; there are never any foolish questions, just folks too shy to ask. Want help identifying something? Perhaps evaluating or appraising it? If I don't have the answer, I'll try to put you in touch with someone who does.
Email is best: bushrat22@gmail.com
Cell phone: voice or text messages anytime; or catch me by chance -
(705) 457-7718
Snail mail: Roger Young
1070 Barnardo Ave.
Peterborough, ON
Canada, K9H 5X2
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